Vaishali Shukla

Vaishali Shukla

Company: Kite Pharma Inc

Job title: Vice President Quality Commercial Quality Manufacturing


Maintaining Effective Quality Control Strategies Whilst Scaling Out a Decentralized Model 2:00 pm

Discussing the unique quality control challenges posed by decentralized manufacturing Exploring how we can create an effective scalable model whilst maintaining product quality and consistencyRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Industry Leader’s Fireside Chat: Emphasizing the Importance of Strategical Planning to Establish a Solid Foundation for Successful Commercial Manufacturing 9:00 am

Discussing how decisions made during early phase development impact supply chain design and management Addressing the need to design infrastructure that can transition from early phase to commercial manufacturing to accommodate increased production demands Exploring the regulatory challenges that impact early phase development decisions Understanding how regulatory agencies will distribute licenses for each manufacturing site…Read more

day: Conference Day One

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